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Pain. Faith and Strength.

While in a staff meetings about a month ago, I received several 911 text messages from my brother and mother. “Your Dad is in the hospital.” Had to step out of the meeting, called my mom to hear that my father is dealing with heart failure, fluid build up around his heart, lungs and liver.

My stomach sunk, knowing that in 2017 we almost lost him when he contracted shingles in his face and ended up in a medically induced coma. They wrote him off to keep him comfortable until he would pass after taking him off the breathing machine.

NOT TODAY SATAN!!! Fast 💨 forward back to today. This is my father, my hero, leader, rock, Pastor, man of God, pillar and best friend.

And here he is in these pictures with my mom and family in North Carolina. Dealing with adema in his right arm and feeling weak. They sure didn’t have to or should have but drove here all the way from Ohio to spend time with us for 3 days.

No doubt! This has been a tough season and I’m so grateful for real family, faith and Gods unwavering hand. Love you Dad and Mom! We will pray, fight and keep believing for your complete healing! Your grandchildren are so in love with their grandparents❤️❤️

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